International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
In collaboration with over 150 members, the Section operates one of the world's largest information systems on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. The INIS repository contains over four million bibliographic references and over one million full-text documents of conventional and non-conventional literature in all areas of IAEA activities, such as nuclear engineering and technology, safety and security, safeguards and non-proliferation, applications of nuclear and isotope techniques, legal aspects, and more. The INIS Thesaurus, launched in 1971 and maintained in collaboration with Member States, is available online in all IAEA official languages plus German and Japanese. It is continually updated to incorporate new developments of terminologies in nuclear science and technology, serving as a knowledge organisation tool for the INIS repository.
The INIS Secretariat assists Member States in the establishment of national INIS centres and offers capacity building activities such as training seminars, e-learning, international cooperation and the transfer of information management know-how.